Adrienne Brown has a track record in professional dance in Ireland and has delivered many dance events over time. Her team includes Hannah Slattery (Producer) Ruaidhri O’Sullivan (Technical Director) and Sarah Eva Manson (Marketing PR). Adrienne has received and administrated public funding (e.g. Arts Council, Local Authority) for numerous projects throughout her career.
She is a choreographer, academic and dance educator. Her choreography is housed within the National Dance Archive in the University of Limerick, and she was a founding member of, and chair of Dance Ireland from 2008 – 2013. She trained at the Martha Graham Center for Dance in New York and was awarded an Ad Astra Research Scholarship from U.C.D. to write a PhD in Musicology and Dance, based on the proposal “Meaning Indicators in Twentieth-Century Music and Dance”. Adrienne instigated the Erasmsus+ programme for dancers to travel to Le Briqueterie (Paris, France) to undertake a residency there; it is now running into its 10th year (Covid cancelled 2020).
She consulted on the development of Wicklow’s dance strategy and was a contributing author on its final report, Making Strides (2016).